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Coconut Chana Rice

Ingredients: 1 cup basmati rice 

1 cup coconut milk 

1/2 red onion 

1/4 cup hazelnuts 

1 cup broccolini 

1 tbsp coconut oil 

1 cup canned chickpeas 

1/2 tbsp garlic powder 

1 tsp chili powder 

1 tbsp smoked paprika 

2 tsp turmeric generous pinch of salt 

1/2 cup shredded coconut 


 1. Place 1 cup of basmati rice into a small sauce pan. Wash and drain the rice a couple of times to get rid of the excess starch 

2. Toast the rice for a couple of minutes on medium high heat. Then, add in 1 cup of coconut milk 

3. When the milk starts to bubble, give the rice a good stir to make sure nothing is grabbing the bottom of the pan. Then, cover and cook on medium low for 15min

4. Dice the red onion, coarsely chop the hazelnuts, and chop the broccolini 

5. After 15min, turn the heat off and let the rice steam further for 10min 

6. Heat up a non stick pan on medium heat. Add the coconut oil 

7. Add the red onion and chickpeas followed by the garlic powder, chili powder, smoked paprika, turmeric, and salt 

8. Add in the hazelnuts and broccoli

9.Add the shredded coconut. Sauté for another couple of minutes and taste and adjust the seasoning.


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