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First Indian Woman To Swim Across Strait Of Gibraltar

Aarti Pardhan had Inclination towards swimming right since her childhood. Later this interest later turned into a deep passion. Being World record holder, she is eminent sports personnel in Indian swimming. Along with a glorious sports carrier, she is also highly experienced & successful swimming coach.
Her Achievements:
  • ARJUNA AWARD 1988 
  • GRAMMY THOMPSON TROPHY awarded by Channel Swimming Association for being the youngest swimmer in the world for the year 1987-88 to swim the English Channel 
  • Successfully swam the Strait of Gibraltar in the year 1988. She was the youngest swimmer in the world to swim the Strait in the year 1988.
  • Commendation Certificate from MUMBAI POLICE -2000 
  • International Representative in India for the CHANNEL SWIMMING ASSOCIATION
  • Coach for the First Asian 4-person relay crossing of the English Channel & Strait of Gibraltar 2007.

Aakanksha trains under Aarti Pradhan, an Arjuna awardee, who swam the channel in 1987. She says her coach has played a big part in motivating her to take up these two challenges. “Aarti Pradhan is my role model. She loves to swim and her enthusiasm rubs off,” says Aakanksha.


After ruling the arena of swimming as an eminent sports person, Arti felt that other upcoming young swimmers should be benefited by her knowledge and experience.From 1998 Arti started conducting Swimming Coaching for developing the young talent.

She dreamt to create world class swimmers who will make India proud on the international level.
As on today she has coached over 300 students, who are excelling not just at state & national but also at International level. 

As a coach, her achievements are remarkable.
  • Successfully conducted English Channel Event for Air India employee children in 2007.
  • Successfully conducted Dharamtar to Gateway of India33 kms. Event for students training at Dombivali Gymkhana, in 1998.
  • Successfully conducted Dharamtar to Gateway of India 33 kms. Event for Air India employee children in 2002.
  • Successfully conducted Dharamtar to Gateway of India 33 kms. Event for Air India employee children in 2006.



  1. We proud of you lady Hitler...........

  2. Currently I'm reading first female in the world, and out of 14 categories there is one category where I can see name of my country, INDIA... First woman to reach strait of Gibraltar

    1. That too a telugu girl,
      She proved our nation name to us

    2. She is a Maharashtriyan Kayastha girl from Thane, Maharashtra. She is not Telgu.


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