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Business Woman Of The Year 2010: Zia Mody

Zia Mody is a prominent Indian legal consultant and active member of the Baha'i Faith. She is considered an authority on corporate merger & acquisitions law, securities law, private equity and project finance. She is currently a Senior Partner of the Law Firm of AZB & Partners which has its offices in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore in India. Zia Mody, who has been chosen The Economic Times Businesswoman of the Year 2010, said she will be happy if the recognition serves as “an inspiration to someone and demonstrates that there is less of a glass ceiling and that you can follow your dreams”.

Mody's initial education was at Elphinstone College, Mumbai. She went on to study law at Selwyn College, Cambridge University, followed by a masters degree from Harvard Law School. She passed the New York State Bar examination, and qualified as an attorney in the State of New York. She worked for five years with Baker & McKenzie in New York City, before returning to India. She started her own practice in Mumbai in 1984, which she merged twice with other firms to form AZB & Partners, now India's second-largest law firm, where she is a senior partner. She is also a member of the Securities and Exchange Board of India's Standing Committee on Mutual Funds, and of the Capital Market Committee of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.Mody is the daughter of well known Indian jurist Soli Sorabjee and is an active member of the Bahá'í faith and a Board Member of the New Era High School.Mody is a mother of three teenage daughters and is married to a business tycoon. They live in Mumbai, India.

Zia has been awarded 'Business Woman of the Year, 2010' by Economic Times and also been selected as one of the world's pre-eminent commercial arbitration specialists by The International Who's Who of Commercial Arbitration and The International Who's Who of Business Lawyers 2010. She has also been awarded the 'Business Woman of the Year' by the Financial Express in the category of 'The Best Knowledge Manager'. She has been selected as one of the 25 Most Powerful Women in Indian Business by Business Today (a prominent Indian business publication) in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. She was selected as one of India's 100 Most Powerful CEOS by the Economic Times in the year from 2004 to 2008 and as one of India's 15 Most Powerful Women Leaders by the Economic Times in 2010. The American Lawyer has identified Zia Mody as being one of 'country's leading stars'. She was nominated as one of the world's leading practitioners by The International Who's Who of Private Funds Lawyers 2006, 2008 and 2009. She has been awarded the 'Lawyer of the Year 2009 – India' at the ACQ Country Awards for Achievement. She has been featured in Asian Legal Business, 2009 edition as one of Asia's top 25 M&A Lawyers.

Zia was appointed as a director of 'The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited' in January 2006 and has also been appointed as a member of the World Bank administrative tribunal by the World Bank in 2007. She has been vice president and a member of the London Court of Arbitration since 2008.The Asia Pacific Legal 500 and Chambers Global have ranked Zia Mody as among the leading individuals in the mergers & acquisition sector, private funds, private equity, litigation and infrastructure sectors, and Zia has been identified as a Highly Recommended Lawyer by Global Counsel 3000.


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